
Request a reupload of a certain file to a CDN DC.

 Method schema is available as of layer 70. Switch ยป


Name Type Description
file_token bytes File token
request_token bytes Request token



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 CDN_METHOD_INVALID You can't call this method in a CDN DC.
500 CDN_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT A server-side timeout occurred while reuploading the file to the CDN DC.
400 FILE_TOKEN_INVALID The master DC did not accept the file_token (e.g., the token has expired). Continue downloading the file from the master DC using upload.getFile.
400 LOCATION_INVALID The provided location is invalid.
400 REQUEST_TOKEN_INVALID The master DC did not accept the request_token from the CDN DC. Continue downloading the file from the master DC using upload.getFile.
400 RSA_DECRYPT_FAILED Internal RSA decryption failed.

Bots can use this method

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Encrypted CDNs for Speed and Security