
Add a sticker to a stickerset. The sticker set must have been created by the current user/bot.

 Method schema is available as of layer 64. Switch ยป


Name Type Description
stickerset InputStickerSet The stickerset
sticker InputStickerSetItem The sticker



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 STICKERPACK_STICKERS_TOO_MUCH There are too many stickers in this stickerpack, you can't add any more.
406 STICKERSET_INVALID The provided sticker set is invalid.
400 STICKERS_TOO_MUCH There are too many stickers in this stickerpack, you can't add any more.
400 STICKER_PNG_NOPNG One of the specified stickers is not a valid PNG file.
400 STICKER_TGS_NOTGS Invalid TGS sticker provided.

Bots can use this method