
Get the exact read date of one of our messages, sent to a private chat with another user.

Can be only done for private outgoing messages not older than appConfig.pm_read_date_expire_period ».

If the peer's userFull.read_dates_private flag is set, we will not be able to fetch the exact read date of messages we send to them, and a USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED RPC error will be emitted.
The exact read date of messages might still be unavailable for other reasons, see here » for more info.
To set userFull.read_dates_private for ourselves invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings, setting the settings.hide_read_marks flag.

outboxReadDate#3bb842ac date:int = OutboxReadDate;
messages.getOutboxReadDate#8c4bfe5d peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = OutboxReadDate;


Name Type Description
peer InputPeer The user to whom we sent the message.
msg_id int The message ID.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 MESSAGE_ID_INVALID The provided message id is invalid.
400 MESSAGE_NOT_READ_YET The specified message wasn't read yet.
400 MESSAGE_TOO_OLD The message is too old, the requested information is not available.
400 PEER_ID_INVALID The provided peer id is invalid.
403 USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED The user's privacy settings do not allow you to do this.
403 YOUR_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED You cannot fetch the read date of this message because you have disallowed other users to do so for your messages; to fix, allow other users to see your exact last online date OR purchase a Telegram Premium subscription.

Related pages

Client configuration

The MTProto API has multiple configuration parameters that can be fetched with the appropriate methods.


Extended user info

When updating the local peer database », all fields from the newly received constructor take priority over the old constructor cached locally (including by removing fields that aren't set in the new constructor).


Global privacy settings


Set global privacy settings

Telegram Premium

Telegram Premium is an optional subscription service that unlocks additional exclusive client-side and API-side features, while helping support the development of the app.