
Get app-specific configuration, see client configuration for more info on the result.

jsonNull#3f6d7b68 = JSONValue;
jsonBool#c7345e6a value:Bool = JSONValue;
jsonNumber#2be0dfa4 value:double = JSONValue;
jsonString#b71e767a value:string = JSONValue;
jsonArray#f7444763 value:Vector<JSONValue> = JSONValue;
jsonObject#99c1d49d value:Vector<JSONObjectValue> = JSONValue;
help.getAppConfig#98914110 = JSONValue;


Name Type Description
hash int Hash used for caching, for more info click here.



Related pages

Pagination in the API

How to fetch results from large lists of objects.

Client configuration

The MTProto API has multiple configuration parameters that can be fetched with the appropriate methods.