
Get users and geochats near you, see here » for more info.

 Method schema is available as of layer 110. Switch »


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
background flags.1?true While the geolocation of the current user is public, clients should update it in the background every half-an-hour or so, while setting this flag.
Do this only if the new location is more than 1 KM away from the previous one, or if the previous location is unknown.
geo_point InputGeoPoint Geolocation
self_expires flags.0?int If set, the geolocation of the current user will be public for the specified number of seconds; pass 0x7fffffff to disable expiry, 0 to make the current geolocation private; if the flag isn't set, no changes will be applied.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
406 BUSINESS_ADDRESS_ACTIVE The user is currently advertising a Business Location, the location may only be changed (or removed) using account.updateBusinessLocation ». .
400 GEO_POINT_INVALID Invalid geoposition provided.
406 USERPIC_PRIVACY_REQUIRED You need to disable privacy settings for your profile picture in order to make your geolocation public.
406 USERPIC_UPLOAD_REQUIRED You must have a profile picture to publish your geolocation.

Related pages

Nearby users&chats

How to work with geolocation-based features like geochats and the nearby users feature.


Users can turn their Telegram account into a business account, gaining access to business features such as opening hours, location, quick replies, automated messages, custom start pages, chatbot support, and more.


Businesses » may advertise their location using this method, see here » for more info.

To remove business location information invoke the method without setting any of the parameters.