
Import a chat folder deep link », joining some or all the chats in the folder.

 Method schema is available as of layer 158. Switch »


Name Type Description
slug string slug obtained from a chat folder deep link ».
peers Vector<InputPeer> List of new chats to join, fetched using chatlists.checkChatlistInvite and filtered as specified in the documentation ».



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 FILTER_INCLUDE_EMPTY The include_peers vector of the filter is empty.
400 INVITE_SLUG_EMPTY The specified invite slug is empty.
400 INVITE_SLUG_EXPIRED The specified chat folder link has expired.

Related pages

Deep links

Telegram clients must handle special tg:// and deep links encountered in messages, link entities and in other apps by registering OS handlers.


Obtain information about a chat folder deep link ».


Telegram allows placing chats into folders, based on their type, mute status, or other custom criteria, thanks to folder blacklists and whitelists.