
Report a sponsored message », see here » for more info on the full flow.

channels.sponsoredMessageReportResultChooseOption#846f9e42 title:string options:Vector<SponsoredMessageReportOption> = channels.SponsoredMessageReportResult;
channels.sponsoredMessageReportResultAdsHidden#3e3bcf2f = channels.SponsoredMessageReportResult;
channels.sponsoredMessageReportResultReported#ad798849 = channels.SponsoredMessageReportResult;
channels.reportSponsoredMessage#af8ff6b9 channel:InputChannel random_id:bytes option:bytes = channels.SponsoredMessageReportResult;


Name Type Description
channel InputChannel The channel where the sponsored message can be seen.
random_id bytes ID of the sponsored message.
option bytes Chosen report option, initially an empty string, see here » for more info on the full flow.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 AD_EXPIRED The ad has expired (too old or not found).
400 CHANNEL_INVALID The provided channel is invalid.
400 PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED A premium account is required to execute this action.

Related pages

Sponsored messages