
Whether people will be able to see our exact last online timestamp.

Note that if we decide to hide our exact last online timestamp to someone (i.e., users A, B, C, or all users) and we do not have a Premium subscription, we won't be able to see the exact last online timestamp of those users (A, B, C, or all users), even if those users do share it with us.

If those users do share their exact online status with us, but we can't see it due to the reason mentioned above, the by_me flag of userStatusRecently, userStatusLastWeek, userStatusLastMonth will be set.

Constructor schema is available as of layer 19. Switch ยป


This constructor does not require any parameters.



Related pages

Telegram Premium

Telegram Premium is an optional subscription service that unlocks additional exclusive client-side and API-side features, while helping support the development of the app.


Online status: last seen recently


Online status: last seen last week


Online status: last seen last month